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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Monday, May 24, 2004

I just had moment and it's gone, I think I missed it.

We stumble through our day to day lives with this belief that we have something more important to do. When you wake up you have to go to work, when you get to work you have projects, then you have lunch, soon you're anxious to leave, only to go home and rush through the errands you've been putting off all week. Finally your done, but you must rush through dinner, jump in the shower, then off to bed, because you have to get up tomorrow. We all do it, we simply let our lives tick by like a metronome, winding down.

Through out each of these days we are given a moment or two in which we can just slow down (or even stop, perish the thought.) these moments are with out a doubt fleeting, it's as simple as walking out side to drop off the mail, or just breathing in the non air-conditioned air. We treat our lives like a tear off desk calendar, as soon as we pull off yesterday's date we lift up today's date to see what tomorrow will be.

For many of us the routine is so complex and consuming that you don't ever really think about the fact that you're a part of it. It's not until you look back at the same time last week that you can see it. "what was I doing last Monday at 1:45pm, and will next Monday be the same?"

I'm not saying that automation and assembly line work ethics are negative, but I can say, with confidence, that becoming a cog in the machine is very negative.

Take your lunch an hour earlier or later, sit on a bench in the sunlight and eat your sandwich. Do something to break free from your rut, before you become the rut.

Retain the humanity you have left, and if at all possible, reclaim what you've lost.



Thursday, May 20, 2004

Back Again?

This has been a fun few days, two days ago I hurt my back while carrying a box. I was too deep in thought about a project and walked into the corner of a low table. The box was heavy enough to use my inertia to pull something in my back. Needless to say the next day I was in serious pain. The next day I wound up having to go through Workmen's Comp to get my back checked out.

We all know the county likes forms, but sweet dead baby Jesus did I have forms to fill out. First my boss had to fill out forms for half an hour just getting all my information down. Then on the doctors where I had to fill out all the information again, this time for forty five minutes. Meanwhile my back hurts so bad that I can't even bend down to fill in the paperwork on the clip board. Finally I go into the doctor where I wind up in a paper smock, x-rayed, examined, and fondled. In the end I wind up with an ugly back-brace, some Ben-Gay, some extra strength aspirin and a bunch of restrictions.

So today I had to get my restrictions cleared. For anyone unfamiliar with this, it's basically things like I can't lift over 40lbs, I can't sit for too long, so on and so on. To get cleared it took over four hours, four hours of descriptions, reenactment, and forms. You gotta love the forms. All of this to simply send me back to work to get caught up on a days worth of work.

My back basically feels fine now, but I do have to go to physical therapy on Monday for another three hours and will most likely have to fill out more forms.

What is the moral of the story? If you hurt your back you'll wind up with a hand cramp.



Wednesday, May 19, 2004

If you're horny and you know it clap your hands, but if you won't put out then shut the hell up!

How inconsiderate must a woman be that she would complain to a guy about not having sex. Don't get me wrong now, as for most of the womanly woes I can feel sympathy, and at times even empathy. But not for this. To put it in simple terms, for guys the need for sex is much like the need to take a piss. Sometimes you can wait till you get home, and sometimes you gotta piss in a gas station bathroom. And we've all used that nasty men's room. To then taunt someone who really needs to piss by talking about how your bathroom is used so rarely it's collecting dust is just cruel.

This is not an objectification of women, but rather a simplification of a serious problem. It's like offering a girl on a diet a dozen donuts. This cruelty increases exponential especially if both people in this conversation are single and very available.

The most irritating aspect of this incessant scenario is that the actual act of sex, which is quite enjoyable, is cast in a bad light. The guy can't make an offer without looking piggish, and no one's having any nookie.

There are two solutions, one, is to look at the exchange of sex as a business transaction, supply and demand so to speak. And exchange of fluids on an equalized scale.

The other is to stop dangling a stake in front of a starving man you heartless bitch!

Both are good ideas.



Thursday, May 13, 2004

Could you be any Gayer?

I know it's a bit direct, but fair request. "Could you be any Gayer?" it's no surprise that there are gay people all around us. They design our clothes, they give us our diets, they style us in our sleep. And this is fine.

All things considering making the world a gayer place is not too shabby of a prospect. In a gay world the average Joe could easily see how to dress and basic maintenance.

But there is a problems with the gayness in the world. There are some that have missed the message. The rainbow clad banners of "we're here, we're queer, get used to it" have succeeded. Succeeded fabulously, I might add. To be gay actually moves you up a notch on the "cool scale," and yet this is lost on some.

The ones I speak of are those who don't own up to their gayness.

To some they're "metrosexual," but to the real world they're gay. Taking the role of Uncle Tom's these Men refuse to accept their gayness. They prance as they walk and spend hundreds of dollars on a single pair of slimming jeans, but the never admit that their gay. They refuse their "heritage" and slip deeper into the rectum of denial.

These men are lost. Lost to society and lost to themselves. In a way it's not entirely their faults, after all, the gay rights movement focus on the acceptance of gays in a straight world, not gays with themselves. They must learn to embrace the gay man stuck inside them (pardon the innuendo.)

It is not a crime to be gay, but it is a crime against your self if you cannot admit to it. Cast down the ruse of metrosexualism, step out of the closet and into the light.

Besides, it's better to be a gay man than, a creepy effeminate guy.



Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Aliens from Mexico

I'm in shock right now. I was reading through the yahoo news and came across the most startling article. The article reported that UFOs were spotted by the Mexican Air force, this could actually bring truth to a long running myth.

I mean, when did Mexico get an Air Force?

full story:




Monday, May 10, 2004

Ego Surfing

I have decided that with all the internet jargon floating around the internet I would add to it with one more. The term is Ego Surfing.

Ego Surfing is something that we all do time to time, but never really thought of it as name worthy. Essentially it is the act of trying to look up information about your self while you're on-line.

"How is this done?" you ask.

Simple, all you do is go into your favorite search engine and type in your name. First and last, age and state, so on and so on. The more specific the fewer the sites.

Now granted this is simply boredom incarnate, and you usually don't find anything about your self, but that's not the point. This is done primarily to find stuff. And there are plenty of times that you'll find weird or even creepy stuff.

I've had friends find numerous porn sites using their names and such, but nothing creeped me out more than when I found my self dead. Well, not really me, but damned if it wasn't close. There was a kid up in Idaho with my name, and roughly my age that was killed in a murder suicide. His description fit me nearly to a "T". (Except for the whole being dead thing.)

So now you've learned a new term, enjoy.

EGO SURFING: the act of looking up one's own name and personal information on the internet only to see what will result of the search.



