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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Could you be any Gayer?

I know it's a bit direct, but fair request. "Could you be any Gayer?" it's no surprise that there are gay people all around us. They design our clothes, they give us our diets, they style us in our sleep. And this is fine.

All things considering making the world a gayer place is not too shabby of a prospect. In a gay world the average Joe could easily see how to dress and basic maintenance.

But there is a problems with the gayness in the world. There are some that have missed the message. The rainbow clad banners of "we're here, we're queer, get used to it" have succeeded. Succeeded fabulously, I might add. To be gay actually moves you up a notch on the "cool scale," and yet this is lost on some.

The ones I speak of are those who don't own up to their gayness.

To some they're "metrosexual," but to the real world they're gay. Taking the role of Uncle Tom's these Men refuse to accept their gayness. They prance as they walk and spend hundreds of dollars on a single pair of slimming jeans, but the never admit that their gay. They refuse their "heritage" and slip deeper into the rectum of denial.

These men are lost. Lost to society and lost to themselves. In a way it's not entirely their faults, after all, the gay rights movement focus on the acceptance of gays in a straight world, not gays with themselves. They must learn to embrace the gay man stuck inside them (pardon the innuendo.)

It is not a crime to be gay, but it is a crime against your self if you cannot admit to it. Cast down the ruse of metrosexualism, step out of the closet and into the light.

Besides, it's better to be a gay man than, a creepy effeminate guy.




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