Dear Fat Lady On The Freeway
Dear Fat Lady,
I don't know if you know me but I'm the guy who cut you off this morning. Yes, I'll admit it, but really, you kinda had it coming. Let me say that I'm not referring to gravity, which causes numerous asteroids to crash into you, but rather that you were quite the lane hog and deserved a brisk "cut off".
You see, on the sides of each vehicle are yellow lights, these lights are called turn indicators. Each blink of the lights says to you I would like to merge into your lane much like how you snort while at the troff to indicate that you too would like to feed.
When I first pulled up in front of you there was enough space for me to merge into the lane, but you sped up in an attempt to lock me out and keep me from exiting the freeway. This is similar to how you have difficulty making it out of the front door in the morning. Luckily I know my truck well enough to squeeze it into very tight spots which I'm sure the food trapped in your jowls must feel.
So yes I did cut you off, but really you were the one who forced me to cut you off. After all, in that moment you had a choice. You could have been the nice person who let someone merge into their lane or the fat cow who was cut off.
Ps. While you were simultaneously chewing your cud and swearing at me I was laughing at a great idea for a blog entry....
I don't know if you know me but I'm the guy who cut you off this morning. Yes, I'll admit it, but really, you kinda had it coming. Let me say that I'm not referring to gravity, which causes numerous asteroids to crash into you, but rather that you were quite the lane hog and deserved a brisk "cut off".
You see, on the sides of each vehicle are yellow lights, these lights are called turn indicators. Each blink of the lights says to you I would like to merge into your lane much like how you snort while at the troff to indicate that you too would like to feed.
When I first pulled up in front of you there was enough space for me to merge into the lane, but you sped up in an attempt to lock me out and keep me from exiting the freeway. This is similar to how you have difficulty making it out of the front door in the morning. Luckily I know my truck well enough to squeeze it into very tight spots which I'm sure the food trapped in your jowls must feel.
So yes I did cut you off, but really you were the one who forced me to cut you off. After all, in that moment you had a choice. You could have been the nice person who let someone merge into their lane or the fat cow who was cut off.
Ps. While you were simultaneously chewing your cud and swearing at me I was laughing at a great idea for a blog entry....
LMAO! Well written.
Isn't it sad how often in our lives there's a little "I'm blogging this" going on in the back of our minds?
Shora, at Monday, June 19, 2006 12:02:00 PM
and how many times you think "man, i should get that on a t-shirt"
exile, at Monday, June 19, 2006 12:09:00 PM
I have that shirt! So does Mitz. Perhaps I'm not too old to HNT that. And before you even THINK of suggesting it, yes I'll be wearing pants! Dirty boy.
Shora, at Monday, June 19, 2006 12:38:00 PM
oh sure, you'll wear pants, but no panties (we know all your secrets)
maybe you can do a tandem HNT pic with mitz
exile, at Monday, June 19, 2006 12:40:00 PM
Thank you :) It's cozy. If you're ever in the area you're welcome to come visit. I hear the front porch is great for spying on people in the streets.
lolsshea, at Monday, June 19, 2006 1:13:00 PM
LMAO! That was histarical, and yet so true!
But maybe she didn't see your signal becuase she was wiping the jelly from her donut off her chin, and then sped up because she was having a MacAttack?
Sassy, at Monday, June 19, 2006 1:58:00 PM
lolshea- i dont' know how often i make it to the land of cheese, but i will defintely look you up if i'm there.
sassy- each one of her chins formed into a huge crevasse, each one capable of hording gallons of jelly. Oh no, that jelly wasn't going anywhere.
exile, at Monday, June 19, 2006 2:18:00 PM
This post was in fact the funniest thing I have read in a while! Chewing you cud and swearing at the same time......I tip my hat to you!
Anonymous, at Monday, June 19, 2006 5:41:00 PM
i'm thinking what shora said, and yes, many times a week i have this "i'm so bloggin this" when things happen.
and ya, i don't write about it as much as i should. i'm bad. spank me.
mistipurple, at Monday, June 19, 2006 6:28:00 PM
You have to be careful..sometimes those folds dont have jelly in them..they have cheese.
Sassy, at Monday, June 19, 2006 7:17:00 PM
hella- *takes a bow* thank you, thank you, it makes me proud to ruin a fat lady's day
misti- you blog once a month, unless you've been seeing some other blog on the side i don't get what you're talking about
sassy- ah, the musky odor of cheese...
exile, at Monday, June 19, 2006 8:43:00 PM
well I was gonna say it was a good post, but you've had enough praise already, so I won't.
SkookumJoe, at Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:54:00 AM
Mitz deleted her blog again. She's a fuckin' psycho blogger. (But we wuv you Mitzzee!)
Shora, at Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:09:00 AM
skookum- well, if you're willing to kick'em when they're down, why not when they're up too?
shora- of course she did, it's tuesday hehehe
exile, at Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:20:00 AM
btw, mitz' blog's up. it's wednesday on my side now. :P
mistipurple, at Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:29:00 AM
misti- and thus the circle of life continues
exile, at Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:18:00 AM
holy shit. why do you hate fat people?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:15:00 AM
mitzee- you've got it all wrong, i hate a lot of people, just happens to be that most of them are fat
i'm an equal opportunity hater
exile, at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:51:00 AM
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