Cash Crunch
This planet has—or rather had—a problem, which was this: most of the people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.~ The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Recently I’ve found my self in a bit of a fiduciary funk, as it were.
Now before you consider selling your stocks in Exile Industries, keep in mind that the lay offs are less about the current deficit and more about just good old fashion cruelty. Furthermore I would like to put down all rumors that Herb as been "slither'n" the streets for extra money. (What he does on his own time is his business.
Just to get you cats and kittens caught up, allow me to explain. If you go by the numbers currently my income/outgo ratio is pretty balanced. As we all know, the "numbers" usually don't take into account things that pop up unexpected. (Car repair, necessary big purchases, etc.) So with the past few months I haven't been able to put much into the old savings as I’d like, as in, anything.
Last month and this month, however, had been pretty tough. Last month I juggled the books wrong and was over drawn twice, this displeased me greatly seeing as though this was the first time this had ever happened (I’m very financially minded, mind you.) then, through an error on the part of my mortgage company they sent me two bills for the same month, so I inadvertently paid them an extra month in advance.
Normally, paying a bill early is no problem for me, I just figure that I saved my self some time next month, but a new problem has emerged. It turns out that my mom is going to go in for surgery soon, it has something to do with getting older and being a woman (at the same time). I’m not too worried about the procedure, I’m sure they're going to just rotate the tires and drop in a new transmission, but the problem is that my parents need to "borrow" $5000 dollars from me to get the procedure done. I told them they better throw in a free smog check too. (Borrow is in quotes because technically the money is theirs, but they were going to collect it when I sold my condo.)
When it comes to my parents I have no qualms about loaning them money, I mean, hey, I know where they live and I’m in the will... my problem is that I was told about this last week and they need the money by the end of the month. With bills, mortgage, and such on my end of things I’m coming up about $4000 short.
Had I known about this a few months back I could have saved up more, but seeing as though my family likes to hide these things from each other I guess one month to make the money isn't so bad... I mean, hell, $1000 a week? Piece of cake. *Gulp*
The few ideas I’ve had for making some quick cash won't bring me near my objective:
1. Sell blood (A+ CMV- it's good shit)
2. Whore out my truck (rent out the sides of my truck as ad space)
3. Collect debts (there's a reason these people have debt...)
4. Move people on the weekend ("you want me to move the piano again?")
5. Night Job (sleep is for the weak)
6. Sell nude self pics (who am I kidding, I can't get people to look at'em for free)
7. Wash cars (time to break out the banana hammock)
8. Pull the money off my American Express ($4000 in 4 weeks or 6 weeks? hmmmmm....)
9. Sell my soul (it's not worth much, but you can always use a spare...)
10. Start Selling burgers by the side of the road (mmmmmmm... freeway off ramp burger...)
I'll figure out something, I mean, I do a savings bond or two I can cash out, but seeing as though they're not quite "ripe" yet. In other words, with the compound interest I’ll be losing potential money by opening them now. Regardless the situation I’ll figure it out.
On the lighter side of money, another one of my bills popped up on Where's George
The bill traveled 318 miles in only 74 days!
(4.3 miles a day, shit, I can't even do that)
Click here for the details
Option #6, um not quite NOBODY is interested in looking for free (waves hand energetically in the air)....
HUGS. :)
Polt, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:46:00 AM
polt- oh, like you'd pay when you get freddie for free
equine rooster was it?
exile, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:40:00 PM
Money's the shits.
If you don't mind the conversion...we can make a little extra cash this weekend for ya...I know someone with a few hot moves..all we need is a pole, a pimp and maybe a caddy...
You'll be laughin all the way to the bank.
Sassy, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:10:00 PM
sassy- you know someone with some hot moves? awsome,i already planned on bringing my pole, perhaps we can get her to dance on it.
exile, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:17:00 PM
Once again there is interesting conversation in Exiles comments.......*Hella tapping her fingers on the desk, and smirking*
As for the money woes, thats the shits.
I have a few comments:
*I would like to see these nudey pics you say you cant show for free.
*I now have a visual in a banana hammock!
*Not that it's the greatest idea, but when I am in trouble finacially, the Visa bares the brunt of it.
But I am a financial if you listen to me, you will probably kick yourself in the ass later.
I would suggest Sassy cause she has great ideas...but the way this conversation started I am quickly changing my mind...LOL ;P
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:18:00 PM
hella- if you're visualizing me in a banana hammock you better be carful, your inner eye will go blind.
i think sassy has some good ideas, but who do we know that's a sexy canadian who could work a pole for a few hours...
exile, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:34:00 PM
My inner eye is fine thanks.
As for the other question posed...hmmmmm let me think about that...I will get back to you on that one
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:02:00 PM
hella- yes, please do
keep in mind, the aplicant will have to work long hard hours on this job
exile, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:05:00 PM
Nighttime bartender. Answer to all your problems.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:12:00 PM
LBB- how much schooling does that take?
exile, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:46:00 PM
What about selling your sperm? Or participating in research - see if there are any MRI studies running in your area! ^_^
Shay, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:46:00 PM
if you found a way to raise the funds, let me know too. my rental's due in a week.
mistipurple, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:04:00 AM
shay- selling sperm is bad. (regardless of what forms you sign, you can't sign away the rights of a child. the kid can still hunt you down for child support.)
i'll have to look into the research thing. i mean if being a lab monkey will make me a profit...
misti- ever thought about dancing in your undies on a web cam?... no, it won't make you money, but did you want to?
exile, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:25:00 AM
Starbucks pays well and has flexible hours. 2nd jobs suck but sometimes they're a necessary evil... if only temporary. It's just too bad your folks didn't give you more notice.
Randi, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:31:00 AM
Everything will work out. I can just feel it.
I know all too well about living by the skin of your teeth.
Mackenzie, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:58:00 AM
randi- "2nd jobs suck but sometimes"
when you say things like that, i can't help but to wuv you! hehehe
how late is starbucks open anyways? what ever night job i'd get would have to be from 6-11
bv- i'm sure it will, it's just a matter of pulling it all off. i mean, i will have to have the money, there is no other way about it. it's just how i get it that's the issue
exile, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:36:00 AM
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