Powering Down For A Bit
crappy crap crap
welp, this sucks
not only did i damn near burn down my condo (again) but now it looks like this will be the last of my "at home blogging" for a bit.
here's the skinny, when they make laptops they make the unit it's self very capable of being transported. they make them light, they make them semi durable, they make them fold up. yay for that.
unfortunately they don't make the power supply so user friendly. the cords going into and coming out of the AC adapter are very cheap, so after packing mine up and unfurling it so many times the plastic wore out and the wires frayed.
so last night as i was returning from a relaxing shower, i went to retire my laptop (which provided the porn that led to the relaxing shower, hehehe) and accidentally tripped over the power cord.
yup, there was a bright flash a little pop, and a nice brown singe on my carpet. luckily the laptop was off so there was no harm there, but I'm writing this post on borrowed time, see, very very soon the power is going to evacuate the battery and when that goes i won't be able to do anything on my laptop until i get a new cord.
this means:
no catching up on Lost
no "at home blogging"
no e-mailing (there's a blog at the office)
no chatting
worst yet, no porn!
Oh speaking of e-mail, Facebook can go fuck it's self.
why you ask?
well, they decided to put in a cute little feature that make it so if you unwittingly stumble into the wrong location of their site they will use your information to access your e-mail and send out an e-mail, on your behalf to everyone in your contacts list to come view your Facebook page. yeah, that's all fine and fucking good except i have a lot of e-mail address of a lot of people that i really would prefer to either remain anonymous with (like co workers) or just not have contact with me again (like people i don't consider friends anymore).
thanks Facebook for hacking my e-mail and fucking me over, oh, and btw, YOUR QUIZZES SUCK!
now that that's off my chest i'm going to scurry off and preserve what's left of my battery life.
WOW!!!! I hope you get a new cord soon or hella is gonna loose her mind...
As for facbook, i cant believe that they do that.... Shitty Buzz...
Take it easy!!!
By Hollz, at Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:43:00 AM
omiGOD, no PORN!!!! But the bigger question is, why are you wasting time on Redtube, when xtube.com is SO much better? :)
By Polt, at Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:24:00 PM
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