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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Random Free Pizza And Political Intruige

Last night I had class, and I was actually early. With a half hour to kill I started wandering around until I hear a radio blasting Crazy Train. When I located the source the AS (I think it's the association of students) were giving out free pizza. Naturally I tried to con my way into more, after all, the only better than one slice of free pizza is two slices.

While eating I meandered next to the "sign my ____" guy (this is a guy who wants you to register to vote and sign all kinds of stuff.) while consuming my free slice of pizza I listened to his spiel. The final form was the one I had to pester him on.

It turns out that he was collecting signatures on putting whether minors can hid the fact that they had an abortion from their parents. Currently, in California, it is ok for a minor to have an abortion without the consent or knowledge of their parents. Naturally I had to interject on this one, so I asked, "So should you sign this if you don't want this to happen? It seems to me that if gets on the ballot then it could be voted against, but if you want it to stay the way it is shouldn't you not sign the form?" he replied with "well, unless we vote they can change it regardless of what we think."

Curse my inability to know how the government works. Of course I didn't sign anything, call it apathy or indifference; I say, "I don't know and I don't care."

If you are unfamiliar of how voting on stuff works in California, let me sum it up for you: I live in Santa Ana, California. On the street corner, where my apartment complex is, there is a chain link fence. This fence is used as a communal bulletin board. This fence is covered with political propaganda attempting to win over our votes. Right now there are multiple copies of the same two signs. One sign says, "vote Yes on A, improve Santa Ana." The other sign says, "vote No on A, preserve Santa Ana." I’ve asked around, not one damn person knows what the hell A is.

At least it's multiple choice...




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