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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Things I Like

It's not often, but sometimes little surprise will pop up that I like. I suppose when it's day after day of crap, anything nice is always welcome. They never happen all at once, but I'd like to share a few that have happened recently.

Event 1- while working at my desk one of the cute therapists (which are far and few between) needed something off of my desk while I was standing at it. While we were talking she leaned over, rubbing her boob all over my arms. When she realized what she had done we started laughing, I told her that if she needed anything else from my box I'd be more than happy to give it to her (innuendo). Moral of the story- I like boobs, and random boob contact is fun.

Event 2- while walking to my truck there was this cute girl walking toward me with that expression like she had all the attitude in the world. I smiled and she just looked away with disinterest. What she didn't realize was that I wasn't smiling because "Miss Priss" was cute, I was smiling because she had a full on camel toe going. Best of all, I wasn't the only one who was going to notice the degree of this crotch wedge.

Event 3- some one cut me off to take a parking spot I wanted. He cut so quickly in front of me the parked without giving himself enough room to open their door. There were so many cars in the parking structure that they couldn't back out of the spot to reposition their car. Imprisoned in their own luxury car.

Event 4- I took Monday off or work to go snowboarding and I guess while I'm on spring break no one else was. This meant the slopes were empty, there was no homework, and good times were had by all. I did get a sunburn on my neck, but on a day where it's nice enough that you go down with just a t-shirt it's all good.

Event 5- having a day where I'm not full of angst thus leading to a angst free post on my blog.

Too bad these events don't come around all that often.




  • well jooles, that's not always true....when they're big enough, ie: a few people we know, no names mentioned.....that is "quite" possible.

    now on the other hand....it's nice to feel something touching your boob too, so, ya, no i know.

    as for this blog post exile...rock on with the good fortune guy....take it while it lasts.
    as for miss camel toe....she probably hasn't been laid in ages...she needs a good foot in the ass.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:22:00 PM  

  • i figure it's never really that random. big or not, and neither is wang contact. hehehe

    i take the good fortune when it comes along, it doesn't last so i do my best.

    By Blogger exile, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:20:00 PM  

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