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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Monday, October 18, 2004

Not to rush you, but there may be something seriously wrong with you

When it comes to the whole "my first time" situation I'll be the first one to advise that you should only do it when you're ready. Sex is a very big change in your life, it's not meant to be life altering, but it does becomes a dynamic of your life and personality. Unfortunately some people rush into this act too soon and miss out on the joy of it all. We've all heard the stories of teenagers who found themselves in the situation and went through with the act simply out of fear of social rejection. Ah, to be horny teenager in your parents house while they're at work with a girl who only has her Learner's Permit... But I digress.

The interesting thing about being ready is it applies differently to different people. Some people are ready as young as sixteen, while others eighteen. In these situations, once again, the best advise is don't rush, but there is such a thing as being overly-precautious.

Be it religious devotion, or social leprosy there are some people who wait far longer than they should. I'm talking about those who are pushing thirty, or even past thirty. These people handle their genitals like they're gonna break them. Now like I said before, you shouldn't do it until you're ready, but after thirty years if you're not ready there is far more to be concerned about than timing. For the average human our sexual nature become active in our late teens, at this age we are frothing over with hormones. A great deal of confusion arises in these years because this surge of chemicals redefines our emotions and perceptions. The lines between crushes and love blur and we rebuild our selves. slutiness is viewed as promiscuous, and the values of virginity depreciate. To work through this is difficult, and it takes time to find where you stand and where you're going.

It's the ones that don't go anywhere that are in trouble. Virgins pushing thirty and/or waiting for marriage don't understand the long term damage. After chugging the puberty hormone cocktail it takes time, but by your early twenties you should be able to handle it. Self-discovery aside, if you can't figure your sexuality out within six years of activation then waiting is no longer the best means of discovery. As with all good things in life you must actively peruse your own enrichment, I'm not saying go out to the local bar and get laid, but rather put in the effort to find yourself. Don't wait till you're ready, get ready. After all, if you wait too long it may be too late, as with all organic life forms we have a short shelf-life.

Unless you can be content with sexual atrophy.




  • Thank you for showing me this. I just think... I wasn't ready. I wanted to try everything once and I liked the idea of it much better than the act itself. To be honest, sex sucks for me, but I do it because I want to feel loved.

    So after I've given TMI and unloaded upon you, thank you again. :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at Friday, January 18, 2008 11:30:00 PM  

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