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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Friday, January 07, 2005

Barf Sue-P

This is re-god-damn-diculous! There is a man actually suing NBC because he puked over an episode of Fear Factor. it was an episode where they ground up rats and people had to eat/drink the remains of the rodents. I don't know what is more horrific, that people would do this stuff or that people actually watch this stuff. This show is by far the most "dumbening" show on television. Contestants either perform scary stunts wearing safety harnesses or eat nasty things like a bulls penis. But what I don't understand is how this guy could possibly think he could win this case? Before every stunt there is a ten minute build up, they go over every mind numbing nuance. Then the contestants chow down. He had plenty of time to turn the channel, even if he turned to it when the stunt was happening just keep clicking. We've all stumbled onto the medical channel where their slicing open someone's scrotum, it's nasty, so turn it. This jackass clearly sat there watching the show. As soon as they said "then after you grind up the rat, drink it's mousy goodness" turn the channel. There's also the fact that he's suing for $2.5 million dollars. I'm sorry but if you're watching reality TV, and you can't figure out to turn the channel, there is nothing in your home worth $2.5 million that you could have ruined with Exorcist style vomit. If reality TV is your focus of entertainment then you are definitely blue color, and I'm sure there's a red neck under that.





  • I always wonder if women who go on this show and prove they can eat shit like that get hit on A LOT afterwards. If I were a man and I met a woman who ate ground up rats without puking, I would think, "I could do just about anything in or to her mouth with no problem! She'd never gag on my cock!"

    By Blogger Kalleigh Hathaway, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 10:21:00 AM  

  • yeah, but these women are being paid to do this stuff. wait, isn't there a word for women do do demeaning (often sexual) acts for money? it starts with a W or P but i can't think of it.

    By Blogger exile, at Sunday, January 09, 2005 2:21:00 PM  

  • I gagged while watching the lovely "Daily Show" recently - they were doing a spoof on marketing strategies and trying to sell "puppy juice" (juice made from ground up puppies obviously). Truly hilarious & (for sensitive ol' me) a little too gross but I never would have thought there was money in it for me if I'd actually blown chunks... good to know! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, January 10, 2005 6:17:00 AM  

  • Just say it Exile, it's ok....



    Afterall, it's only one of the oldest professions around, that's got to count for something.

    As for the sueing and the puking, the guys an IDIOT, and he's got zero leverage in his case, what a tool !

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, January 10, 2005 8:29:00 AM  

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