Warning, Do Not Mix Exile With Technology. Hazardous Results.
Ok, so many of you have asked, why I haven't been blogging lately, and to that I must hold back the tears of sadness. You see it turns out that I have the worst luck with fancy new toys, I don’t lose them, I don’t break them; they just seem to break around me. Let me give you a quick summary of what has happened to me, technology wise, in the past two months.
Digital Camera: I received a digital camera for my birthday. It wasn’t top of the line, but it fit my needs well enough. A nice little HP camera it was full of piss and vinegar. One week after getting it, (after installing all the software, reading the manual) I went on a trip to Mexico. With drink in had and camera in pocket I was just walking around minding my own business. I randomly bumped into an handrail (no harder than the way I bump into anything) and I hear a snap, a crack, and a pop. Seeing as though I knew I didn’t have Rice Crispies in my pocket I quickly reached in. this made me quickly reach back out with shards of my camera sticking out of my hand. I guess HP decided to make the case of my camera out of a glass like plastic. Needless to say they didn’t want it back.
I rebuilt my camera with crazy glue and a paperclip (I lost some parts) and it is now dubbed FRANKEN-CAMERA. It looks pretty sad, but it works.
Zappy Pen: I was feeling really sad and a friend of mine gave me a pen to cheer me up. The pen had a battery in it so when you pushed down to click the pen it zapped you. Seeing as though I like little zappy toys I was quite pleased. I then tried to zap my friend with it. She grabbed one end; I grabbed the other, and crack. The pen lasted less than 10 min. all the wires were broken and the pieces went everywhere.
My Laptop: This was my baby. It was like a good friend who always brought me porn. Silver, sleek, and, dare I say, sexy. With cd/dvd burners the possibilities were endless. Wireless 802.11g meant I could catch any signal and chat, blog, anything, all at my leisure. I got it back in January and even with using it every day had still not used it’s entire potential. I valued this computer more than I valued most human life (seeing as though I don’t value much of human life I suppose this doesn’t have the power I intended). I decided to take it with me on my trip to Canada, I wrote a blog entry on the plane, and I planned on using it to watch a movie or two if we were so inclined to not watch movies in the living room. *Wink* Unfortunately, when it came time for a little movie fun the computer did something it had never done before, nothing. I hit power, I waited. I reset it, I waited. Oh god did I wait, I would have waited till your children were old and gassy, would I have waited. But to no avail. Clacky was the first to examine the body, he didn’t have the heart to say it, but I could see it in his eyes. The hard drive was dead. The blinking curser carried a cruel rhythm with it, like the persistent beat of a dump truck’s tires as it runs over a puppy. It now sits idol in it’s Targus carrying case waiting for resurrection, and I think it’s going to take more than a little purple pill to give this little guy a res-erection.
Air Canada Headphone Jacks: Seeing as though Million Dollar Baby was playing as our return flight movie I thought I’d watch. Naturally, as I plugged in my head phones the jack in my row of seats shorted out in a quite deafening manner.
The Relic (aka my old laptop): in desperation for communication I decided to pull my old laptop out of my storage boxes. A decent little Compaq, I’ve had the little workhorse for years (over six years, give or take a month), and while it’s CD drive was burned out, the hard drive barely ran, it was slow as hell, and had poor resolution, I figured it could still give me some help. I decided that I had to get the pics off my digital camera, after all, they were from my Canada trip, and I didn’t want to lose the pics of my sexy minx. So last night I decided to try and install my camera on the computer so I could transfer the pics to my jump drive… I swear this was a good idea when I started… so I hooked up my external CD drive, I popped in the CD, and then I waited. It took forever, for the little relic to comprehend the task at hand. The progress bar crept agonizingly across the screen; nearly 45 minutes later the computer innocently requested a restart. Many say that the last moment you see someone alive you can feel that this will be it, fuck if I saw this one coming. Error message after error message, not enough memory to run program, bad file, corrupted date. I desperately attempted to salvage the machine, tromping through Safe Mode I deleted the camera, I deleted files I could afford to lose, I just kept rolling through deleting things, but it was a loss. Two laptops in so many months… you’d think I’d learn
Babylon 5 DVD/PS2: When you move into an apartment there is no cable hooked up, and without an antenna you have to just watch your old movies till you get off your ass and call the cable guy. Naturally I’m still to lazy to do this, so I’ve been watching my Babylon 5 DVDs, and while I’m battling with The Relic the DVD starts to skip and shuts down. (It seems to be working, but with my luck…)
At this rate I’m going to just start generating an EMP field and just wipe out technology everywhere I go. The really funny thing is that I need to download those digital camera photos ASAP, because the battery is dying and the photos aren’t on a memory card.
Digital Camera: I received a digital camera for my birthday. It wasn’t top of the line, but it fit my needs well enough. A nice little HP camera it was full of piss and vinegar. One week after getting it, (after installing all the software, reading the manual) I went on a trip to Mexico. With drink in had and camera in pocket I was just walking around minding my own business. I randomly bumped into an handrail (no harder than the way I bump into anything) and I hear a snap, a crack, and a pop. Seeing as though I knew I didn’t have Rice Crispies in my pocket I quickly reached in. this made me quickly reach back out with shards of my camera sticking out of my hand. I guess HP decided to make the case of my camera out of a glass like plastic. Needless to say they didn’t want it back.
I rebuilt my camera with crazy glue and a paperclip (I lost some parts) and it is now dubbed FRANKEN-CAMERA. It looks pretty sad, but it works.
Zappy Pen: I was feeling really sad and a friend of mine gave me a pen to cheer me up. The pen had a battery in it so when you pushed down to click the pen it zapped you. Seeing as though I like little zappy toys I was quite pleased. I then tried to zap my friend with it. She grabbed one end; I grabbed the other, and crack. The pen lasted less than 10 min. all the wires were broken and the pieces went everywhere.
My Laptop: This was my baby. It was like a good friend who always brought me porn. Silver, sleek, and, dare I say, sexy. With cd/dvd burners the possibilities were endless. Wireless 802.11g meant I could catch any signal and chat, blog, anything, all at my leisure. I got it back in January and even with using it every day had still not used it’s entire potential. I valued this computer more than I valued most human life (seeing as though I don’t value much of human life I suppose this doesn’t have the power I intended). I decided to take it with me on my trip to Canada, I wrote a blog entry on the plane, and I planned on using it to watch a movie or two if we were so inclined to not watch movies in the living room. *Wink* Unfortunately, when it came time for a little movie fun the computer did something it had never done before, nothing. I hit power, I waited. I reset it, I waited. Oh god did I wait, I would have waited till your children were old and gassy, would I have waited. But to no avail. Clacky was the first to examine the body, he didn’t have the heart to say it, but I could see it in his eyes. The hard drive was dead. The blinking curser carried a cruel rhythm with it, like the persistent beat of a dump truck’s tires as it runs over a puppy. It now sits idol in it’s Targus carrying case waiting for resurrection, and I think it’s going to take more than a little purple pill to give this little guy a res-erection.
Air Canada Headphone Jacks: Seeing as though Million Dollar Baby was playing as our return flight movie I thought I’d watch. Naturally, as I plugged in my head phones the jack in my row of seats shorted out in a quite deafening manner.
The Relic (aka my old laptop): in desperation for communication I decided to pull my old laptop out of my storage boxes. A decent little Compaq, I’ve had the little workhorse for years (over six years, give or take a month), and while it’s CD drive was burned out, the hard drive barely ran, it was slow as hell, and had poor resolution, I figured it could still give me some help. I decided that I had to get the pics off my digital camera, after all, they were from my Canada trip, and I didn’t want to lose the pics of my sexy minx. So last night I decided to try and install my camera on the computer so I could transfer the pics to my jump drive… I swear this was a good idea when I started… so I hooked up my external CD drive, I popped in the CD, and then I waited. It took forever, for the little relic to comprehend the task at hand. The progress bar crept agonizingly across the screen; nearly 45 minutes later the computer innocently requested a restart. Many say that the last moment you see someone alive you can feel that this will be it, fuck if I saw this one coming. Error message after error message, not enough memory to run program, bad file, corrupted date. I desperately attempted to salvage the machine, tromping through Safe Mode I deleted the camera, I deleted files I could afford to lose, I just kept rolling through deleting things, but it was a loss. Two laptops in so many months… you’d think I’d learn
Babylon 5 DVD/PS2: When you move into an apartment there is no cable hooked up, and without an antenna you have to just watch your old movies till you get off your ass and call the cable guy. Naturally I’m still to lazy to do this, so I’ve been watching my Babylon 5 DVDs, and while I’m battling with The Relic the DVD starts to skip and shuts down. (It seems to be working, but with my luck…)
At this rate I’m going to just start generating an EMP field and just wipe out technology everywhere I go. The really funny thing is that I need to download those digital camera photos ASAP, because the battery is dying and the photos aren’t on a memory card.
OMG! Can you not download the pics to your laptop at work then transfer them to your jump card? Should be easy enuf, and if you break their laptop, who cares, afterall it's a ( ) company, right?
I'm really sorry for your shitty luck, Exile, that really sucks. You know they say things happen in 3's....you're ratio is a little higher, but I'm thinking it's about done. Call the cable guy, Call a techy, load your pics at work and start whoring your blog for some extra cash. LOL...kidding on the last part.
It can only get better, right? I'm soooo sorry! ;(
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:19:00 PM
mitzee- the company comp is all wiggy in regards to new programs being installed, the jump drive needed IT to install it. i dont' think i should do anything other than post on the blog, the last time i tinkered everything turned blue (that's why my whole blog is a background color)
tblue- juice, and a bed time story
exile, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:19:00 AM
ya, but you're blog has been like that forever and a day.....you're just lazy. ;)
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:32:00 AM
pf- awwww, you commented! the manuel can't help unfortunately. it's a hard drive issue, not software. it's like as if someone pull the brain out of a person. they're body may be intact, and so are their thoughts, but they're still dead. i'll call the cable guy soon, me needs me cartoons
exile, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:33:00 AM
mitzee- it has been that way for a while, but thats cause i'm afraid i'll completely distroy it if i try and fix it
exile, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:57:00 AM
you really aren't tech savy are u? jeez, i'm better at it than you and i know nothing.
i think u wuv pf...perv.....jk ;)
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:16:00 PM
mitzee- well someone is being a brat, sheesh. pick'n on little ol me because i don't know much about computers. yeah, i wuv pf, i like getting to them before the hair does. hehehe
pf- i think you're cool, i don't care what mitzee says about you.
exile, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:37:00 PM
i hope you both live happily ever after...muah...pf is a fine young lady.....i would never say a bad thing about her, nope. ;)
btw....how come there are NO PICS OF YOU on YOUR OWN BLOG????
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:27:00 PM
mitzee- if i post pics of my self the pure sexy of it all would blind most female readers. cases of sexual obsession would run wild. i don't know if i could do that to the readers.
pf- the lady with the brown hair is the really cute wonderful girl. i'll try and forget about the age thing, but it will help me forget if you tell me how old you are.
exile, at Friday, June 24, 2005 9:42:00 AM
pf- why? what's wrong with your age? you know you'll grow out of it, right?
exile, at Monday, June 27, 2005 12:06:00 PM
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