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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kick'n The Habit

Argh, I hate when I have an addiction to something. It's not like it happens often, I mean, sure there's been the video game addiction, the IN & Out addiction, and so on, but this Monster addiction is killing me.


For the past few weeks I've been drinking a can of Monster daily, it's been the only thing that seems to counteract the effects of my insomnia. After a while the results from drinking a can was diminished, it got to the point where I felt like I needed two cans to make it through the day.

When I went to Laughlin I was up till 4 or 5 am daily, so naturally the Monster was flowing like (insert graphic menstrual reference here). And when I wasn't drinking a can o' monster I was partaking in Jager-Bombs.

the week following the vacation I needed a can just to make it to work and another to finish out the day. I swear, I've polished off a case in a matter of a week or two (normally a case lasts me a month +).

Recently (as of yesterday) I decided that I would not let a soft drink control me any longer. I've decided to go cold turkey, this is day two and the only type of energy drink I've had has been Zip-Fizz (which is like a healthy energy drink). I figure if anything is going to strip away my ability to make decisions for myself and control my life I'll get another girlfriend.

(I need to find an AA group for Monster, think they give you a chip for day two?)




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