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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ugly Baby

so, i'm at work talking with one of the Techs (the only girl tech in the entire company), and the subject of babies come up:

Tech- Babies are so cute.
Exile- if you say so
Tech- you don't think babies are cute?
Exile- i've seen my share of ugly ones.
Tech- (offended) What? all babies are beautiful!
Exile- i beg to differ
Tech- you're a liar
Exile- i am not. i have seen some ugly ass babies. (turning to someone else in the lab) Hey Wilbert, have you ever seen a baby and said 'damn, that's any ugly ass baby'?
Wilbert- um, yeah... yeah, i've seen some ugly babies.
Tech- you're both horrible
Exile- ask anyone, some babies are just plain ugly.
Tech- THEY ARE NOT! they're beautiful and they smell wonderful.
Exile- they're loud wrinkled little people with bags of shit strapped to them. ma'am, our views of beauty differ.
Tech- you should never be allowed to have children
Exile- can i get that in writing?

after that conversation abruptly ended i took an impromptu survey of parents around the office, they all have kids, and they all have seen their share of ugly babies.

we all know how much i adore children *vomits silently in mouth* but there are some babies that are so damn ugly they belong in jar.

it's a fact.




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