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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Meat for Morons

On the subject of reality shows I have this to say: it's meat for the morons. We feed them their "reality" TV shows and their content. They love it. They don't' have to think with anything above their limbic system. They argue for hours over what they would do if they were on the island. Who would team up with, or vote off. They'll even discuss how much it would cost them to eat what ever the hell the produces would have them ingest. They'll gladly drone on through their work week only to plop down in front off the TV. Being dumbed down so greatly by their scripted "reality" that they don't' realize that they're actually just watching commercials, interrupted periodically by TV shows. So eat hearty, for the trough if full.

