Hey Baby, What's Your STD?
In the dating world there are plenty of hazards to be weary of. Statistically it seems that every puddle of love juice contains it's own sexual plague. The worst part of it all is that the biggest catalyst to the spread of these diseases is ignorance. You have no idea what your partner is carrying around in their love zone. Is it infested with creepy crawly things? Do they have some virus that the are completely un aware of? How the hell do you tell?
I'm personally from the school of "be open and honest," but that is most likely just me, and assuming anything other than that will be an e-ticket to damnation. Great. I know when I'm out in the dating world I get screened for STDs regularly. You know, pee in a cup, draw some blood, and get a lollipop to boot. But how do you get your partner to get tested?* You can't just say "hey, can you squirt that in a Petri dish, I need to be sure."
The worst part is that people get offended by such requests for tests. Personally I'd just whip out my test results and wave them around. To me that's a voucher for some good old fashion naughty time. I look at like the whole condom thing. Some people get all offend or bashful if they have to put on a condom, but isn't that saying "put that man meat in my love pudding"? Green light!
Now, I'm not saying you need a test every week, I'm even saying every month. I just think that if you've had a questionable partner or if you're changing from partner to partner on a semi regular basis you should get the screening.
I guess for some ignorance is bliss, until it burns when they piss.
*If anyone has ever found a good way to ask this question drop in the comments.
I'm personally from the school of "be open and honest," but that is most likely just me, and assuming anything other than that will be an e-ticket to damnation. Great. I know when I'm out in the dating world I get screened for STDs regularly. You know, pee in a cup, draw some blood, and get a lollipop to boot. But how do you get your partner to get tested?* You can't just say "hey, can you squirt that in a Petri dish, I need to be sure."
The worst part is that people get offended by such requests for tests. Personally I'd just whip out my test results and wave them around. To me that's a voucher for some good old fashion naughty time. I look at like the whole condom thing. Some people get all offend or bashful if they have to put on a condom, but isn't that saying "put that man meat in my love pudding"? Green light!
Now, I'm not saying you need a test every week, I'm even saying every month. I just think that if you've had a questionable partner or if you're changing from partner to partner on a semi regular basis you should get the screening.
I guess for some ignorance is bliss, until it burns when they piss.
*If anyone has ever found a good way to ask this question drop in the comments.
Hey, we've got prenups, and cohabitation agreements
why not agreements about sex
....bring the tests to the table and let the games begin
Unknown, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:56:00 PM
Well, I like to bring up health issues in conversations. I like to start it off with how I like to get my blood tested for cholesterol and other things and then I add in the urine analysis and the urethra swab. The swab by the way is the best way to find any critters in the pee-hole. Then I ask how the "girl" stuff works. I mention, "I hear a woman is supposed to get a check up once a year at least." This usually starts up the conversation about whether or not they actually do it. I'll ask them more questions to make sure they are regulars in the doctors office. I play the ignorance role. But if I find out the girl for whatever reason doesnt know about regular check ups, I play mister informative. Not to say I know what I'm talking about. I just make what I want her to do seem like tis what she is supposed to do. "What? you dont get tested every 6 months? You'll rot away slowly and die if you dont! My doctor told me so!!"
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:27:00 PM
a friend of mine once pulled out a magnifying glass to examine a boys "boys" before consumating the relationship, just to make sure there weren't any bugs....I lmao.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 22, 2005 8:41:00 AM
raine- i thought i was the only person nerdy enough break out a form before coitus.
xpeterx- crafty. convince them they want to tell you. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!
jooles- would you prefer "naughty love jungle?"
mitzee- yeah, when a girl breaks out the magnifying glass it can't be taken well. "they're so small you can't see them... i meant the crabs... why are you leaving?"
exile, at Friday, April 22, 2005 10:07:00 AM
I don't think she found any, but she said "i hope this isn't going to spoil the mood!"
Anonymous, at Friday, April 22, 2005 11:53:00 AM
was she going to but them if she found any?
"like burning ants on the side walk"
exile, at Friday, April 22, 2005 4:28:00 PM
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