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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Friday, May 19, 2006

Gamer Rules

Greeting and salutations all!

Lately I’ve been finding a lot of gamers between my two jobs and have even been invited to a few gaming parties (of course I have no time to play, but regardless). So with that I thought I’d make up a list of gamer rules for all that are unfamiliar. These rules apply to PC & Platform games (Platform = Game Cube, Playstation, x box, yadda yadda)

1. If you wish to brag or talk about a game incessantly you must be willing to share/loan/ or play with the other person. (Don’t be a cock tease)

2. Borrowing someone else’s game implies that you will return it. YOU DO NOT JUST KEEP IT, the game and manual must be returned in the condition they are borrowed. (The only exception to this is if they disappear and give you no means to return it.)

3. If you are loaning someone a game you are entitled to borrow one of his or her games as a form of collateral. (Pick a game on par with yours, just incase).

4. You may not cheat (or cheese) an opponent for any reason in any way unless it is agreed that the game is a “no holds bard” match.

5. Camping* is strongly discouraged due to it making the game play boring/uneventful. (Camping is when you sit in a sniping position and wait for a really long time until the other player walks in front of you)

6. If a “n00b” joins into the game you are obligated to “big brother” him unless he’s a prick, then the n00b is free game. (n00b= newbie = someone who has never played or is just really green.)

7. No pausing in the middle of a game unless fair warning has been given especially during fighting games. (It throws off your groove.)

8. Supply your own controller. (“I know it’s my spare controller but that doesn’t mean I want you to throw it”)

9. If you have people over for gaming then you must have enough game to go around, and if you’re invited don’t bring an incorrect amount of people. (3 people in a 4-person game are just lame, and uneven teams are always an issue.)

10. “Talking shit” is all part of playing, but it must be confined to the gaming it’s self (Fist fights do break out occationally: “You’re fucking terrible, the only person I’ve ever seen suck harder that you is your mom!”)

So it is written, so it shall be done.
(Now to chisel these into some stone tablets…)

Penny Arcade couch




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