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Exile Industries: Department of Redundancy Department

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Big Hairy Bone Of Contention, For The Ladies

Ok, I'm sorry girls, but this rant is directed at you.

Not all of you, but a vast majority.

The issue, your hair.

Now I know a lot of you are already thinking "hey, I shave, what are you bitch'n about?"

Yeah, I don't mean that hair. I'm talking about the hair on your head. More specifically, the hair that is no longer on your head.

That's right, I don't know if having a pussy makes you part cat or something* but seriously, you girls shed constantly. (*if you found that offensive then you're on the wrong blog.)

I first noticed it when I lived with my then-girlfriend Jody, she had beautiful long blonde hair. She took very good care of it and it was quite healthy, but every time she got out of the shower she left these "swirl-y" blonde tumble-weeds on the shower walls (to keep it out of the drain). I also remember her bathroom mat had a golden sheen from the layer of hair that was brushed out daily.

Christina also left her own hair trail, pillows, towels, clothes. Even Elena, who crashes at my place from time to time has managed to leave these strands of black hair all over my bathroom (She used it once and their everywhere...)

The most "recent offender" in the hair syndicate has been my roommate amber. Amber's hair is thick, I do mean thick. She's half black and half white, so all over the house are these foot long red hairs that you could re-string a violin with. So thick that she has, single handedly, killed my vacuum. KILLED. It didn't just over heat, it didn't plug up, it destroyed my vacuum! A vacuum, mind you, that nearly sucked the color out of the carpet and she killed it. Oh, I tried to save it, but even after I pulled nearly a pound of hair (it was that tightly wrapped in there) the poor thing couldn't even power up.
(Her hair nearly kill a cat once.)

The funny thing is that you'd think that these girls are loosing so much hair that they must be bald... Nope, full heads of hair, all of them ready to pounce on unsuspecting vacuums.

Is this what girls do? Are you claiming ownership? Instead of marking a tree you just leave strands of hair?

Don't get me wrong, your hair looks really pretty, but please keep it on your head. If this keeps up, I'm going to make hair-nets mandatory.




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