For the part three days Ive had to wake up at three to be at work at four, so this is all the nekked you get.
And before you point it out, yes my alarm is showing four, not three. thats because i set it ahead to what time ill get to work so i know he in late... its just my system.
What's Long, Black, And Fits Snugly In All Three Holes?
The Power Cord for my Laptop!
with the remaining juice in my battery I ordered two of the cords last night. I also ordered a USB powered fan too, but that's only because my order had to be over $10 (and it looked cool!)
the thing I'm really stoked about on this one is that the cord only cost me three dollars. normally in the situation I'm in, once the cord goes bad they (the computer industry) want you to buy the entire AC adapter which runs (at minimum) $90. needless to say I don't have that kind of cash to shell out, but my tech addiction wants what it wants.
but seeing as though the AC adapter is in relatively good condition (I've made a few repairs) the cord that runs from the adapter to the wall was the only part I needed to replace.
the weird thing about all this is that in every store I went to (Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy) the guy working there told me the same thing: "you know, we get people in here all the time looking for those, but we don't carry them, maybe you should try_______. but I think you're going to have to contact the manufacturer for that."
hmmmm... call me crazy, but if you have a giant office supply store that carries everything from designer paperclips to iPod speakers in the shape of a dog (that dances to the music), why wouldn't you keep a couple of these things?
hell, I could start my own internet store and make a fortune just selling cords to things. and what would set me apart from all the other cord dealers? I'D ACTUALLY PUT THE SPECS FOR THE CORD ON THE WEBSITE!
Yup, when I finally found a site that sold my cord ( ) I actually had to call their sales department, who referred me to the manufacturer, who had to talk to a tech, who e-mail the IT department, who used a Ouija Board to determine the Amps and Volts of the cord I wanted to buy. (btw, the Amps and Volts for the cord are imprinted in the plastic on the damn thing)
now I get to play the waiting game. I placed the order last night, so with my luck I'll get my cord in 10 days...
I can make it that long without my computer right? I mean, it's not like I'm addicted. I'm sure I can find better things to do when I get home, like... read a book, clean my fish tank, vacuum...
crap, I knew I should have paid the extra two bucks for express shipping...
well, if the Professor on Gilligan's Island could build batteries out of coconuts, I'm sure I can figure out something... then again, if he was so damn smart why couldn't he find a way to patch a hole in a dinky little boat...
not only did i damn near burn down my condo (again) but now it looks like this will be the last of my "at home blogging" for a bit.
here's the skinny, when they make laptops they make the unit it's self very capable of being transported. they make them light, they make them semi durable, they make them fold up. yay for that.
unfortunately they don't make the power supply so user friendly. the cords going into and coming out of the AC adapter are very cheap, so after packing mine up and unfurling it so many times the plastic wore out and the wires frayed.
so last night as i was returning from a relaxing shower, i went to retire my laptop (which provided the porn that led to the relaxing shower, hehehe) and accidentally tripped over the power cord.
yup, there was a bright flash a little pop, and a nice brown singe on my carpet. luckily the laptop was off so there was no harm there, but I'm writing this post on borrowed time, see, very very soon the power is going to evacuate the battery and when that goes i won't be able to do anything on my laptop until i get a new cord.
this means: no catching up on Lost no "at home blogging" no e-mailing (there's a blog at the office) no chatting worst yet, no porn!
Oh speaking of e-mail, Facebook can go fuck it's self. why you ask?
well, they decided to put in a cute little feature that make it so if you unwittingly stumble into the wrong location of their site they will use your information to access your e-mail and send out an e-mail, on your behalf to everyone in your contacts list to come view your Facebook page. yeah, that's all fine and fucking good except i have a lot of e-mail address of a lot of people that i really would prefer to either remain anonymous with (like co workers) or just not have contact with me again (like people i don't consider friends anymore).
thanks Facebook for hacking my e-mail and fucking me over, oh, and btw, YOUR QUIZZES SUCK!
now that that's off my chest i'm going to scurry off and preserve what's left of my battery life.
Families often have past times that they bond over.
For some it's Baseball For Red necks it's Nascar For Canadians it's Hockey. For the Irish it's drinking
For my family, it's bowling! (well, we also do a lot of drinking, but try and bowl while we do it)
In my family everyone eventually gets their own bowling ball. My Mom and Dad bought theirs when i was a kid, they had joined a league consisting of the other parents in the neighbor hood.
My mom had a baby blue ball with her name engraved on it, it was cute and friendly. my Dad had a ball that was black as obsidian, it was so dark that your eyes just slid off it.
The thing is, my parents are good, damn good. Back in the day my Dad nearly broke 300, my mom, well, as goofy as she is rarely can be beat.
A few years back my brother perfected his bowling technique
(it's like this, but with more style)
Last Christmas my brother got his own bowling ball, it has a swirl of dark colors and a bowling ball bag consumed with flames.
When it comes to my bowling style i have a bit of a hindrance, well two of them 1) because i don't have my own ball, ever time i bowl i have to use a different "alley" ball 2) the only time i can bowl well is when I'm drunk (i have no idea, it just works that way)
So, while the "drunken bowling" skills can be attained with proper applications of copious amounts of beer, the ball is another issue. I figure I'll ask the 'rents for one for my birthday which will make them happy to know that i will be that much closer to not sucking at bowling (Last time we bowled i was nearly beaten by a six year old using bumpers)
lately I've been thinking of what kind of bowling ball should i get. my first instinct was to go with something jet black. But as hella says "not all balls look the same, sometimes they have different colors." while the context of that conversation may have been of things non-bowling in nature, i realized that if I'm going to get a ball, it's gotta be very "exile."
With that I've decided to take some insperado from one of my favorite movies: Mystery Men
That's right, the skull ball!
right now, i have my choices narrowed down to two styles:
Naturally, i would insist on getting "exile" engraved on the ball.
feel free to leave a comment on which of these magnificent balls i should play with (after all, i can't go walking around with two big ass balls, now can i?)
it had been 43 days since the last time i had kissed those lips and let me tell you, it felt like forever ago.
We needed this trip, we needed it badly.
Wednesday the 13th this was the day that Hella was supposed to arrive. now i say supposed to because in theory she was supposed to arrive at LAX at 8:45 pm.
but a bunch of "dick farts" at Pearson Airport thought it would be a good idea to delay Hella's flight by Four Hours.
the poor thing was so exhausted, and understandably so, by the time we got home she had been up for 24 hours!
needless to say she needed some serious snuggleing
Thrusday the 14th, VALENTINE'S DAY! our much needed sleep was callously interupted by repeated early morning phone calls. here's something i don't get, if a someone hasn't seen his girlfriend in two months and it's Valentine's Day Morning, why the hell would you call?
Our morning started out with smooches, snuggles, and the final day of The VD Treamtment click here Thursday, February 14th– being Valentines Day, it’s only fair that you post a tandem HNT picture. Show off your love. After that, make with the Snu-snu
For This HNT Project i came up with many saucy ideas for a tandem HNT post, but waking up with hella, i realized there was one moement i had to imortalize... Waking up with her in my arms
After a groggy awakening we exhanged presents and had a much needed shower
I made Hella a full blown breakfast: apple slices with peanut butter waffles eggs tea and of course, cranberry juice
After a fine breakfast it was off to get our asses fisted!
allow me to explain... we went out to meet up with my friend Tracy who is a massage therapist. Now the thing about Tracy is this, she's tiny, but mighty. so when she works on your back she doesn't just give you a "fluff and buff", she works you. she throws in elbows, forearms, and fists. and when she's working her way down your back and hits your glutes she attacks with fists a fly'n! (she's damn good)
After being massaged into a drunk'en stuper, we headed out to a little english pub for some pretzels and hummace (yeah, i had never heard of this combination either) where i learned A) don't doubt hella's ability to spot parking spots, and b) sometimes beer tastes like bannanas.
the rest of our Valentine's Day was very simple, we we home and relaxed, watching movies, lazing about. later on that night we stopped by my parents house and exchanged a few Valentine's presents with the parents.
though there was one final stop before bed time, a mad dash to the Cheesecake Factory! the girl loves Cheesecake, and I love the girl. there's no way i was going to let Valentine's Day get by without a trip there
Friday the 15th Sight Seeing!
Today was the the day that Hella hit hollywood.
Even for a friday, the drive took forever.
We took the 405 all the way up to Mullholland then drove over the crest of the Hollywood Hills. if you look real close you can see houses that are worth more than i'll make in my lifetime
but needless to say it was a beautiful day to see some sights
for this portion of the trip i'll just throw out some pics (a picture is worth a thousand words, and i'm tired of typing, hehehe)
Cement Ponds, Movie Stars...
"if those wall could talk" nuth'n, imagine what the sheets would say
it says Rodeo, but i don't see a single horse...
in traffic the whole time, as soon as we want to get a shot we moved... figures
we didn't even see this one at first! it's just randomly sitting on a random street so random
There it is, Hella's Mecca, home of Kat Von D
Awww look how shy the little fan girl is in front of her idol's shop
A star is born!
High Voltage Couple
The Gates Of Hella (she took a ton of pics of the stars, but i didn't upload them)
in front of the theater there are all kinds of "wacky" charactors prancing about for you to take pictures with Now this i find funny. Here's Jack Sparrow attempting to steal the necklace that my parents bought Hella for Valentines day. note how she pulled a gun on him.
yet as soon as he kissed her hand that gun dropped real quick, hehehe (busted again?)
Oscars are heavy! (turns out the ones we posed with are the ones they'll acctually give away at the oscars, neat!)
While on top of the building looking for a good spot to see the sign we found these giant stone elephants (it's the 2nd biggest thing she's held in her hand all weekend)
then it was off to a fancy Hollywood Resturaunt dollar menu, ahoy!
After that, it was back home, well, there was a stop off at the parent's house for wine and hot tubb'n!
Saturday the 16th This was Hella's shopping day we cruised the Lake Elsinore Outlet Mall
Durring a call to her monkey i picked Hella a single yellow flower. she smiled that smile at me and i realized that for her this is full spring, while winter was still waiting for her back home.
So i had to capture her in spring time
the orange flowers you see behind her are California Poppies
of course, i had to join in!
(here is a close up of the poppies)
That night...Party time!
It was my cousin's husband's b-day party and we joined in the drinking fun
Here's Hella and my mom dancing and carring on drunk. (btw, look at how tiny my mom is, even Hella is bigger than her!)
hella was enjoying the Hurricains, and the they were enjoying her...
the Tequila on the other hand... The Tequila, it was a bad idea, and we left shortly there after
but not before Hella said bye to my dad here is the conversation that preceded that shot: Hella- we're going to be taking off Dad- *looking at her* you're drunk aren't you? hella- No... Dad- *smiles* Hella- *giggles* ok, just a little From there hella droped down catching her self as she squated next to my dad... i had to snap the pic
Sunday the 17th Poor little Hella was a bit hung over
Luckily a trip to IHOP took care of that!
I got a regular breakfast... wanna know what hella got?
we spent the rest of the day chill-lax'n and went out to dinner with the rents.
with all my dad's free time he's taken to making sushi as a hobby, and he's damn good at it.
on our way home we decided to make an imprompt tu icecream run
being our last night, we stayed up kinda late, ya' know...
by the time it was bed time Hella passed out.
So sleepy, she forgot to take the towel off her head and the glasses off her face even asleep, she's so beautiful
Monday the 18th *Pout* I made her the last breakfast of the trip as she packed up all her goodies.
and she did all her packing in one of my hoodies!
I dropped her off at the airport and waited till her flight took off. (there was a big snowstorm in toronto and i didn't want her stranded in LAX all by her lonesome).
*sigh* the hardest part is letting go. we kiss our good byes in the hustle of the airport, but we can always take solace in knowing that a part of us always stays with the other...
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