Very rarely do I find myself fully supporting bumper sticker philosophy, but this one I agree with. For those who are unfamiliar with "bumper sticker philosophy" it is essentially a catchy often philosophical phrase that could be found on a bumper sticker (eg: my karma ran over your dogma.) but I digress, the bumper sticker I stumbled upon was on a car parked at Fullerton college. "if you can't trust me with the choice, how can you trust me with a child." this slogan was quite brilliant. The simplicity allows your to expand on it in any way, yet there is no real means to misconstrue it. Many people think the issue of abortion is one that has only two sides. One side is pro life, this thought to mean that you are crusading to save the lives of babies. The other side being Prochoice, on this side a baby is a decision, one that should be thought through carefully before a second mistake is made. Unfortunately, believing that there are only two sides to this issue is like believing that your votes actually count in government elections. There are far more than simply two sides to this issue.
Prochoice: this side is pretty much what it says. It's goal is to legalize abortion and give the right to choose whether or not to carry the fetus to term.
Probirth (aka prolife): this side sticks to the definition of it's name so well that there is no need to deny it. The Prolife side's goal is to ensure the baby is born, they do not want it to die, that's about it. They don't' care about how the child will be raised, if he/she will have food on the table or if it will be loved, they only want to ensure that their moral standing is not threatened. Often you will hear these same people wanting to shut down welfare and usually don't adopt.
Antideath: essentially they are afraid to die, and they don't anyone else to die either. A nice sentiment, but very unrealistic. If they're not protesting euthanasia they're protesting abortion. The difference between the antideath and probirth sides are subtle, essentially the difference is motivation.
True prolifers: these are hard to come by, if you see someone adopting a baby because it needs a loving home you've found one. But finding a person who is willing to think of the well being of others over them selves... Though you have a better chance of bigfoot giving you a winning lottery ticket.
Proreligion: Religion behind a conspiracy? I know, I know, as far-fetched as that might sound it is very possible. Religions love to "hook'em while they're young." and an unwanted pregnancy baby is a clean slate. Ever heard of an atheist orphanage? The more kids you have the more followers a church has. Plus, if church says it's wrong, but the state says it's ok, well that's a black eye for the church.
Antiwoman: everyone seems to forget that the baby has to fall out of a woman. A minor technicality, but a necessity. Yet another means of keeping women under the thumb of a male dominated society, taking way right to do what they wish with their own bodies is just a bit of effective irony. Don't believe it? What about blacks getting the right to vote before women? Or only within the last decade making it technically illegal to rape your own wife?
so before you jump on one side or the other ask yourself this, "if you can't trust me with the choice, how can you trust me with a child."